While the indexers of the Sassano archive occasionally noted that marriages involved people from Monte San Giacomo, they only did so if the annotator of the the records did so in the margins.

I couldn’t believe that here were so few intermarriages between the two communes, so I looked through the first batch of images, and my hunch proved true.

“Casteri San Jacobi” is the key phrase. While I am not certain the exact translation, it corresponds with someone coming from Monte San Giacomo. Typically mentions to other communes use “terre” or “tre” (as an abbreviation).

This is the earliest reference to Monte San Giacomo in any archive, the marriage of Paolo di Tursi & Camilla Russo, in 1645.

While this is a significant discovery, it also means that I cannot simply rely on the Sassano indexes to trace the people from Monte San Giacomo without looking at each individual image. It is almost easier to index Sassano then merge with the already done work than to try to trace dozens of families over almost 300 years.

Consequently there may be fewer updates in coming months. Nevertheless, this update includes the following families.

In the USA

Pasquale F Totaro & Crescenza Romano
Rosa Marotta & Domenico Lisa
Giovanni Lisa & Rosa Chirichella

In Sassano (all married before 1800, most before 1700)

Giacomo Caporrino & Barbara Calandriello
Giovanni Vincenzo Lisa & his two wives, Vittoria Capuano & Silvia Ramondini
Vito Russo & Antonia Salamone
Michelangelo Cerbo & Margarita Feminella
Domenico Pinto & Rosaria Barbariello
Pietro Romano Caterina di Bella
Carlo Lisa & Perna Rendone
Vito Amato & Caterina Ramondini
Giuseppe Romano & Palmarella Ramondini
Emanuele Vasquez & Rosa Romano

All told this update includes 906 people and 343 images.